raspberry + coconut cream sherbet

raspberry coconut sherbet

This melty frozen treat suffers from what one might call “lackofspringoutside-itis.” It’s a very serious condition, often afflicting those who want nothing more than to eat ice cream every evening while tending to their garden plot, as they contemplate how sunburnt they will get the next day whilst wearing their skimpy summery top.

Alas, skimpy summery tops are but a figment of my imagination at this point. Temperatures are beginning to heat up, and spring is just around the corner, but we’re not quite there yet. In town, tulips are sprouting and crocuses are in bloom, but out here in the woods, the ground is still looking suspiciously white.

At least I’m not in the Midwest, where they’re getting pummeled with snowfall upon snowfall (still).


Oh my gosh, do I spot something…. alive?! I guess word on the street is that when these plants at the upper left flower, which they are doing now, it means that darling little bearies are waking up from hibernation. Makes sense, given that I saw some bear tracks a couple weeks ago. Now I’m just waiting to come across these bears in the flesh – in the fur? – scavenging in the ditches alongside the roads. Cute.

However, last year’s fertile fern fronds are still a much more common sight than lively new growth. All in good time, I suppose. All in good time.

The upside to the slowly-melting snow is that I get to hike long exercisey distances during the day – along roads that I will soon be able to drive. I’ve been getting lucky on occasion, finding an abandoned moose antler that I then get to hoist over my shoulders and carry like the world’s most monetarily-precious child. Bingo!

raspberry coconut sherbet

As you may glean from the Classifieds section slipped effortlessly underneath this heavenly bowl of sherbet, we have been looking for a new place to live. A desire to downsize has consumed us, with the end goal of saving up oodles of cash so that we can roll around in it, and also buy something really expensive, such as nice mountain bikes or some property. Or my real goal, world domination, AKA travel.

In the meantime, how about some sherbet of sorts, made with a can of coconut cream and some raspberries? A squeeze of lemon juice, an extra jolt of sugar (if that’s your thing), and a couple egg whites, and this recipe is good to go. Just as quick as you can say “how long until we have to move again?”

Raspberry + Coconut Cream Sherbet {a recipe by myself}


1 can coconut cream / cream of coconut (NOT coconut milk- check the Hispanic section of your grocery store)
6 oz frozen or fresh raspberries (I imagine most any other fruit would work equally well)
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Up to 2/3 c. sugar, as desired
Two egg whites
1/3 c. water
Dried coconut, for topping


Honestly, I took the lazy route with this, simply letting everything churn about for ten minutes in my stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. The issue with this is that if your raspberries are frozen, the coconut cream will fail to dissolve into the raspberries and sugar. I didn’t have a problem with this, but if you do, process all ingredients together in a food processor.

If you have an issue with raw eggs, bring all ingredients except the eggs to a boil in a medium saucepan, then remove from heat and beat in the egg whites post-haste.

Once everything is combined to your liking, pour into a dish and freeze for at least four hours, preferably overnight. Serve topped with dried coconut.

42 thoughts on “raspberry + coconut cream sherbet

  1. This looks amazing! And I also am eagerly awaiting summer. I thrive on warm weather (but not direct sunlight–I burn much too easily!). This looks perfect for a hot summer evening, while sitting on a shady porch. :-)

    1. Thank you! Oh man, I wish I had a porch. New life plans: a portion of my savings in the coming year will be funneled towards a shady porch!

  2. That bowl of raspberry sherbet just screams “eat me!” I’m gonna go find myself an icy treat

  3. Looks fabulous, raspberries just have such great flavour and colour! Also, I really really really want to travel as well, hopefully we can all save up oodles of cash – we may even meet each other somewhere one day!

    1. Raspberries are all-around incredible. I wade through a lot of raspberry bushes out in the woods (in areas that have seen recent forest management), so I have a tendency to get fed up with them. But when harvest time rolls around? I have a nonstop supply! I’m so lucky;)

      I would love to meet up somewhere random one day! That would be so wonderful!

    1. Thanks Amy, and boy I sure hope we do too! Looks like the ice is finally melting on the lake here, which is a step in the right direction!

  4. Good luck on finding new living arrangements. Moving is such a hassle, a hassle that is made more bearable with copious amounts of sherbet. Oh Look! You made some already! You know what you’re doing.

    1. I actually love moving, but when it involves downsizing, that is a whole different monster. That is indeed a hassle. Pass the sherbet, self!

  5. Those flavors sound incredible.
    I’m dreading summer. Well, not the summer when the kids are home and I don’t make lunches. The summer here that causes the ac unit to run continuously and my garden to shrivel into nothing.
    That’s when I’ll drool over your green and luscious pictures and wait until September to open my front door.

    1. Oh geez, I’m dreading your summer too. Although I’d really like to experience it, at least for a day or two.

      I will provide all the luscious green pictures, if you promise not to melt!

      And your comment reminds me that I need to download a new internet browser so that I can leave comments on your blog (sorry I’ve been absent – – it’s not me, it’s the dumb computer!)

  6. Namby pamby Americans and their fear of raw eggs. High five to you for being Not Like That. ;)

    Gaaaaaah fingers crossed we’ve had the last of the snow up here too! Though it won’t matter for much longer for me…

      1. HOLY FRICK I NEVER WROTE BACK TO YOUR AMAZING MESSAGE. That should give you some idea of how topsy-turvy the past six weeks have been.

        1. I AM SO IN THE DARK! ….lllllliterally. There are wild long-haired electricians who have been working here all week, and the power keeps going out because they are “playing.”

          1. Everyone (in blogworld) is. Only a few people know what’s going on. Mostly because I myself have only just sorted out what’s going. All will be revealed when I’ve had a proper night’s sleep.

            1. I’m glad you’ve sorted it out, and I can’t wait for the big reveal, o’ darling blogworld pal!

  7. Moving! Us, too! And now that we might actually have summer (do you think we’ll get summer? my hope is beginning to dwindle), I can make fun things like ice cream! I saw my first bees of the season today, and hopefully by summer’s end I’ll be able to tell what family those bees are from. Our move involves a lot of commuting…so we’ll be super strapped for cash for a while. Such is life. At least we can still make ice cream!

    1. Your moving is going to be so much more rewarding than our moving. We’re just going a few blocks away to the less-nice and noisier part of town. But what will it matter since I’m hardly ever there? Answer: it probably won’t.

      I heard grouse drumming for the first time yesterday! There’s motion in the forest ocean, Brianne. Can you dig it?

      As long as your cash-strappedness doesn’t make you sell your Hanson ticket to some weirdo, we’re good. Considering we’re finally making money after a year of being dead broke, I understand.

      Ice cream!

  8. What a beautiful antler–nice find! And the sorbet sounds easy and yummy…
    Ya know, we are actually supposed to get some warm weather this weekend. It’s about time;-)

    1. My mother, the lady who likes coconut now! Yay!

      I am so thrilled that you will be seeing some warmer weather – we are slated for a few wonderful days as well. I can’t wait to get outside and BUUURRRRRN!

      That antler is there just for you:)

    1. Thanks Keren! We actually decided on a place last weekend. We’ll be scaling back down to an apartment, which although a bit of a bummer will be super helpful when winter rolls around again and we won’t have to shell out $300 a month for heating with oil!

      1. YAY! (sorry it’s taken me a while to see this)

        Smaller is hard but it sounds like it will be a win in the end :)

        1. Hey, it takes me awhile to do most things, so it’s all good:)

          It does sound like a win. Can’t wait for all that traveling!!

  9. Whenever my father and I get the opportunity to go backpacking somewhere relatively remote (IE, more than a couple hours outside of the city) we always harbor the quiet, unspoken hope that we’ll get to see a bear. We’ve unanimously decided that the “perfect” bear sighting is one in which it’s close enough to clearly define it as a bear (and perhaps even identify its specific type), but far enough away so that there is absolutely no possibility we might piss it off and then die.

    It hasn’t happened yet, but we’re still hoping.

    We DID get to see a coyote nice and close up when we were in Yosemite a few years ago, so that will have to last us for awhile. ^_^

    Also, very tasty-looking sherbert. :D ‘Bout that time, eh chaps?

    1. When the bears come out in the spring, they are all over the roads for a few weeks. You should come up at that point, and they’ll still be all bleary-eyed and confused and skittish and hungry (but not for you). I love seeing bears! I had a bear cub run right up to me one time a few years ago in Wisconsin – – while incredibly cool, that did made me a bit nervous. Luckily, he just circled a few times, and then took off.

      How much would I love to go to Alaska and watch bears catch fish out of the rivers? So much!

      That’s very cool that you got to see a coyote close up. I know a lot of folks take issue with coyotes, but they’re just another creature to admire in my mind. Seeing animals up close is the best.

      Fire ze shit! Wait, was that not where you were going with that?

  10. excellent warning: coconut cream is NOT at all coconut milk; huge difference, good call.
    is that a discarded moose antler? do they just….erm, i don’t even want to know. please do not see bears. i will pee myself by proxy.
    i love the sherbet! coconut raspberry is an excellent combination. maybe after i dig out of all this “spring” snow here in the midwest… :)

    1. Well, hello, cute little blue gravatar Shannon!

      That is indeed a discarded moose antler – – they fetch BIG bucks, and I mean big. So finding one this big is like finding a huge wad of cash! No lie.

      During winter, they get the urge to shed their antlers. So they will rub up against small fir or pine trees, often breaking them in two. When you see trees like that, it’s a good indication that there may be a shed nearby. I’ve been out looking pretty hardcore every day (while doing my work, of course).

      Dude, what’s wrong with bears? Nothing can get to me in my fortress of a truck! And besides, they wouldn’t have any beef with me anyway, unless I stole their cubs in the manner I’ve been stealing these sheds;)

    1. In that case, I would suggest just making a sorbet out of it, and maybe adding 1/3 c. (80 ml) more water? Enough water so that it will freeze well… Let me know how this turns out if you make it!

  11. Mmmm, what a simple and delicious dessert! Coconut cream sounds like something I could eat with a spoon ;)

    1. Amy, I kind of wish I had done just that! If not for how the cream separates inside the can, that is, which makes it seem a wee bit less tasty;)

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