cranberry and cadbury mini egg energy bites

If you’re like me, you still have some Easter candy floating around aimlessly in your kitchen, your living room, maybe also in your pockets and in your car. This Easter candy is begging to be finished, but there is just so much of it that it is difficult to finish. Especially when there are other delicious things like Gushers getting in the way during afternoon snack time.

So last weekend, on a whim when prepping foodstuffs for an epic end-of-winter hike, I decided to turn some already delicious raw energy balls into not-raw, much deliciouser energy balls, or bites, as I’ll classily refer to them here. I make many versions of these, often with cocoa powder, often with various dried fruits, and always with a base of dates and nuts.

cranberry and cadbury mini egg energy bites

The addition of Cadbury Mini Eggs is a genius move, because it gives the energy bites a crunchy crackly texture that is terribly fun to eat – I imagine that to be the energy flowing straight into me, and down towards my legs to give them strength for the last few miles of the day.  What’s more, Cadbury recently unveiled ‘Royal Dark’ Mini Eggs, which are leaps and bounds more delicious than the original milk chocolate variety. That is what I used here, and I highly recommend it.

If you happen to have various other Easter candies looking for a home, I think many things would work well in these. Jordan almonds would work. Malted milk balls would work. Fun-sized Easter candy bars would work. Perhaps even jelly beans would work! …although that’s a bit too wacky for me.

gulf hagas

I referred to our hike as epic. It was only 9.7 miles, but the going was rrrrrrrough. First off, let me say that I don’t yet own waterproof boots. As a forester, that is probably something that I shouldn’t admit – ask me next week, and I’ll probably be able to saw “Pshaw I have waterproof boots!” and then I’ll quietly mumble something about “purchasingthemlastweekend.”

Luckily, someone had been on a good portion of the trail at some point over the winter, so the snow that is often still above-my-knees deep was reduced to the perfect depth for trodding upon. The trail we hiked was at Gulf Hagas, known as the Grand Canyon of Maine. Take that as you will – – it was definitely no Grand canyon, but it was a Lovely canyon and a Stunning canyon nonetheless. Given the canyon nature of the hike, there was a quite a bit of micro-rocky terrain, which turned out to be covered in sheer ice during our visit. It’s safe to say I did my share of slipping and sliding.

The loop hike that we did took us on a section of the Appalachian Trail as well, which we realized we hadn’t set foot on since 2011, at Grayson Highlands in Virginia. The AT hadn’t seen any footprints all winter other than moose and deer, so while being just a short section, it was sort of tiring. Remember that part about the not-waterproof boots? Remember that other part about the snow above-my-knees deep? Connect those two dots right thurr.

But jeebus, what a beautiful hike. I can’t wait for the snow to fully recede, and for weekend after weekend of glorious hiking adventures this summer. Bring it on, I say (nay, I plead)!

KI roadgulf hagasgulf hagascar camping

Perfect for bringing along on hikes, this recipe will give you a boost with healthy walnuts, hazelnuts, and dates, as well as a peppy sugar rush from the chocolate. Use up that Easter candy!

Cranberry and Cadbury Mini Egg Energy Bites

{recipe by myself – very approximate, but very adaptable}

Makes 12-15


3 handfuls walnuts (or your nut of choice)
1 handful hazelnuts
2 handfuls dates
pinch of salt
1 handful dried cranberries
2 handfuls Cadbury Royal Dark Mini Eggs
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp maple syrup


In the bowl of a food processor, combine all ingredients, and pulse until mixed. If the mixture is overly wet, add another handful of nuts. If the mixture is dry, add some more maple syrup, or a teaspoon of water. Shape mixture into balls, and place on a tray. Freeze for at least an hour. Enjoy chilled if possible.

cranberry and cadbury mini egg energy bites

18 thoughts on “cranberry and cadbury mini egg energy bites

  1. What a great idea. So much healthier than my solution of a big fat brownie made with melted down bunnies and hollow eggs and topped with filled eggs and other chocolate bits and pieces. I’ll file this away for next year.

    1. Oh my goodness, I can’t even quite picture that hot mess you’re describing, but it sounds HELLA GOOD.

  2. Man, those pictures of your hike make me yearn to be back in the outdoors. I miss backpacking and am way out of shape for it…I need to get back in the groove! By the way – how do you pack your camera to keep it safe/dry when you’re out galavanting about the woods?


    1. Welllll, I’ve ruined two lenses now, probably due to carrying them about with me wherever I go. I get dust and scratch issues, which is super annoying because I try to be as careful as possible. But I just keep it inside a pack that has a rain cover over it, or inside my coat if I don’t have a pack. The worst part is that my lens cap is broken, so I have to be gentle or it falls off!

      I’d really like to get a smaller camera, and watch out world, I’m headed for a smart phone, soooooo there.

      GUSHERS! Get hiking, Mary!

  3. Bahahah! I’ve been planning to make almost exactly this, but with the bogstandard milk choc version (dark ain’t here in Canada, boo).

    P.S. Remember my Cadbury Marvellous Creations reviews? Jellybeans are awful in chocolate.

    1. Woah no way! We are so samesies!

      Yeah, I remember, and I do think they would be terrible, I was mostly just listing everything that I still have in my jar of candy:)

  4. Such gorgeousness! I’m impressed you took yourself out like this on the weekend when you do so much for your job as well. Looking forward to your Spring photos … especially now that the cold has hit here.

    1. Isn’t it unfortunately true that the more exercise you get, the more you want? It’s a nasty addiction and obsession, so I try to keep myself from tooooo much of it:D

      I’m looking forward to spring photos too! I found some little flowers yesterday…. but sunk up to my thighs in snow today.

    1. TROUTSKIS! And actually I believe there are, a friend of ours had plans to go fishing here a few years back. I don’t remember if he actually made it up or if he caught anything, though.

  5. i can’t believe these exist, but since they do, and if anyone had asked me who would have come up with such a thing, i would have answered with “emma. for sure.” even if i didn’t know, i would have just *known* it was you.

  6. Oh no, your poor non-waterproofed feet! But the photos are utterly stunning, can’t even imagine seeing those views in person.

    I am not one for having leftover candy around, but I believe it would be worth buying it expressly for the purpose of making these balls…I mean bites. Bites!

    1. Uh oh, I haven’t purchased any waterproof boots yet…. but I will soon, I swear! (it’s almost like I like having wet feet – so not true)

      Honestly I’m not one for having leftover candy either, but this year we just had so much. Oh darn oh shoot. Oh balls.

  7. ok, seriously, what kind of person has leftover cadbury eggs?! Jellybeans, maybe, but not cadbury eggs!…Although I’m sure you don’t have any leftover Peeps ;) I guess it’s fine because you did turn them into something delicious.

    I’m seriously in awe of the nature around you. So gorgeous!

    1. The jellybeans are my most despised of Easter candies, hence why I have so many of them floating around. How did I come to have so many extra Cadbury eggs? We have my lovely mum to thank for that!

      Nope, no more Peeps, although I actually just finished those over the weekend. Geez, I’m making myself look like a candy lightweight!

  8. Emma, I love seeing your landscape photos. Those stream shots are stunning! I can’t believe you still have snow on the ground. When will spring come to you?

    1. Thank you Erin! We had such a lovely hike in the rain – scenic areas like this are just so inspiring, don’t you think?

      Oh man, when WILL spring come? Good question. I’m still sinking up to my thighs in snow in some places. I’ll take it over the black flies though; as soon as the snow’s gone they’ll be there to take its place:/

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