malted walnut blondies

I spent last week doing some nifty things.

I kicked the crap out of my fellow wizards on Pottermore for at least five hours during a sick day. As a unique individual prone to bouts of oddness (so says Pottermore), I was a clear pick for Ravenclaw. Luna would be so proud of me, if only because I deleted my initial boring Pottermore username to create a new one that mentioned those cute li’l treasure-seeking Nifflers.

I worked on catching up with Gossip Girl. Enough said.

After seeing a Facebook link for the Spice Girls’ Mama video, I mentioned that the video always makes me tear up. I then proceeded to watch the video and cry my way through it. To lighten things up a bit, I next watched the videos for 2 Become 1 and Viva Forever, and cried my way through those, too. I really love the Spice Girls.

I collected logs for a special project I’ll talk about here sometime. I spotted the first flower of the year, a Pulmonaria, in my yard. And I caught my cat in two cute places: on top of a new/used sofa that has yet to be un-verticaled, and next to my favorite on-display Barry Manilow playing card.

I also racked my brain [trying to explain, all the things that you do to me – bei mir mist du schön, you’ve heard it all before but let me try to explain] as to how to use some ‘Malted Milk Crisp’ topping that we purchased impulsively when hungry. I think the recipe I’ve come up with here is the answer.

Toasted walnuts, malt powder, and some single malt Scotch were added to a no-brainer blondie recipe. I decided to throw the Scotch in because it had malt in its name, too. Well, sort of – actually, both the powder and the Scotch are made out of malted barley, so it is an appropriate pairing.

I topped the blondies with a melted TCHO chocolate bar that had been mixed with a bit of milk, and followed that with a sprinkling of the malted milk crisp topping that started this whole affair.

Malted Walnut Blondies {original recipe}

Makes 16. Best served with a cold glass of malted milk.


1/2 c. butter (1 stick), plus more for pan
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. ground walnuts, toasted
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp malt powder
1 tbsp single malt Scotch
1/8 tsp salt
1 c. flour

3 oz dark chocolate
Malted milk crisp topping


Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter an 8 x 8″ pan. In a large bowl, melt 1/2 c. of butter. Add brown sugar, and mix well. Mix in toasted walnuts. Incorporate egg, vanilla, malt powder and Scotch.

Add up to 1/8 tsp of salt to taste, then add flour. Mix well.

Transfer to the prepared pan and smooth out. Bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on how well-cooked you prefer your blondies to be. With a few minutes’ baking time left, melt chocolate and mix in several splashes of milk. Remove blondies from oven, and cut into 16 squares. Spread with melted chocolate, and top with malted milk crisp topping (or crushed malted milk balls, if you have them).

Chill in fridge until chocolate is set. Re-cut, and transfer to serving plate.

By the way, I was working my way through a 42-song list of Spice Girls videos while writing this post. Sure enough, when Mama came on, my eyes were soon brimming with emotion. Hormones, I’m onto you. You’re unique and prone to bouts of oddness.

Anyway, you’ll enjoy the video if you’re a girl and you like 90’s music. Otherwise… check back next time.

37 thoughts on “malted walnut blondies

  1. OH MY GOD, I LOVE THE SPICE GIRLS! I watched Spice World until the tape fell apart. I wanted to be Posh so bad. I can sing every word of Spice, too. And you’re on Pottermore! I meant to register, but I forgot to over the winter. Perhaps I’ll do so soon, but I wanted to read the books again and remember what was what before I got into the game. So maybe it won’t be so soon. We bought new furniture (!!!) last week, and the cat is loving it! Cute shots of the cat on the couch abound. Yours wins, though, because it’s vertical. Malted milk topping, huh? Great inspiration. Your brownies sound delicious!

    1. I work hard to keep my VHS of Spice World in pristine condition, so while I won’t tell you that you can borrow it, you can come watch it if you schedule well in advance. Just kidding, I’m not thaaaat protective of my memorabilia:)

      Pottermore is exciting, I’m looking forward to the unveiling of the second book!

      New furniture, yeah:) Our cat is crazy, but at least her craziness will no longer include hopping over to the top of the kitchen cabinets, for the couch has been horizontaled!

  2. Looks delicious!
    And I love your personality – so enraptured by the little things (y’know, the awesome things).

  3. Whew, what a day. I think I had one of those not too long ago but it involved Nil Lara – Your My First Child, a found box of photos, and peanut butter, lots of peanut butter.
    These sound so amazing. I love malt!

    1. Nil Lara, I’m not familiar, I’ll have to look that song up. Found photos will always do it… which inspires me to keep my film camera out of the closet and actually use it!

      Peanut butter has been on my agenda as of late, too. Perhaps I could combine pb with malt…..

  4. Those little square bundles look so delicious. Anything with peanut butter gets me excited! Cute kitties and that upturned sofa makes a perfect perch!

    1. I don’t think my cat could get any cuter, she’s the best! And yes, no peanut butter here…. you must have been distracted by that fabulous Spice Girls aura;)

    1. :) Yes, it’s an interesting flavor pairing, for sure. It gave off a lovely scent while baking, as well!

  5. Verticaled? Horizontaled? I love your creative use of the english language(and those blondies look pretty snappy, too!) You will have to show me some of those Spicey Girls–the computer I’m on right now won’t show the video…

    1. It is a crime not to show the Spice Girls! Of course I will share their video with you, this wrong must be righted!

      Snappy snappy blondies, I must have my third of the day:)

      1. Thank you, thank you, saw it, crying now too…I love you forever:D
        (that’s how happy you make me)

  6. Okay I read that as Malted Water Brownies and was SO confused for a while there. Malted Walnut Brownies with whisky is MUCH more up my alley. Your cat is adorable – I love how they like to find strange places to sleep. And Spice Girls? So important.

    1. Malted water brownies (almost wrote walted mater) sound very interesting, like a new age hipster thing that I would make fun of.

      Beata is a sweet sweet sweet cat. Now to get her to like the Fab Five;)

  7. Oh dear, I just entered Pottermore for the first time … might be gone a while …

  8. I love that you love the Spice Girls. I love that you cry through Mama. I love that you made me cry through Mama.
    Hormones indeed!

  9. Oh the Spice Girls… I think it’s the second or third time this week were I saw a link to some youtube videos of the Spice Girls. So far I managed to resist.. but I think I now have to get myself some Wannabe!

  10. I’ll never forget running to my mum halfway through my listening to the Spice Girls CD I’d just bought to shriek “See? See? Listen to this one, “Mama!” Not all of the songs are about sex!”

    Game, set, match, mother. Game, set, match.

    I was rather done with the Spice Girls by the time the later CD came out, but I did buy the CD single of Viva Forever. It’s kind of lovely.

    ZOMG!!! These are blondies that I would most certainly dive into. Hopefully I’d even be able to stand the alcohol :) :)

    1. Hats off to you for being a bold enough child to proclaim such a thing. I wouldn’t be able to do that today – I don’t think I could even type it here:)

      That’s a good way of looking at the song; I bought wholeheartedly into the ‘Girl Power’ bit and didn’t see the songs through a feminist lens. Which is a bit worrisome because I really didn’t start liking their music until I was 14 or 15, when I should have known better.

      I think Viva Forever is very lovely, but it makes me just as sad as Mama does. Awwww.

      The alcohol mostly evaporated away during the baking process, I couldn’t much taste it in the finished product. It just seemed the right thing to do, to maltify these blondies as best I could!

  11. Haha, you’ve really been catching up on some pop culture!

    I’ve never been really into the Spice Girls, though I remember when they were HUGE and were plastered all over billboards and magazine covers.

    1. It’s pop city around here, that’s for sure. To be truthful, I despised the Spice Girls when they were at their most popular. Their genius came to me later on… :D

  12. So much malty goodness! I love the ‘malted barley’ twist, too. Can’t say that I’ve ever been into the Spice Girls, but Pottermore sounds like a dangerous road for me…

    1. Interestingly, they didn’t taste all that malted – just really deep and delicious in flavor!

      Pottermore is a dangerous road, but only for a day or two. Then you’ll be in the same boat as me, waiting for the second book to be ‘released’ on there. It’s a good two-day distraction!

    1. Haha, thanks Erin;) I would never label myself as odd, but so hath decreed J.K. Rowling, and I suppose that’s okay by me.

      I’m so glad you enjoy a dose of my silliness every now and then:) I sure like dishing it out!

  13. You know, sometimes I think you and I would get along famously IRL.

    Except that you put walnuts in your blondies. I can’t say that I approve. /harrumph!

    Regardless, these look awesome! Last year I made some feel-good blondies and I remember thinking the only that was missing was some alcohol – and clearly I was right! Wow, these actually look so good I think they’ll be going to the top of my “to make” list…I think I have most of the ingredients in my cupboards right now. Hmm…/strokes chin

    PS I initially spelled “harrumph” with 1 ‘r’ – it turns out there are 2. Thank you, spell-checking gods!

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